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Our highlights

in addition to the CSR report 2022 & 2023

  • Management Statement
  • Product highlights
  • More about energy
  • The POLIFILM Management Academy
  • On track for further growth
  • Taking responsibility

KPIs are good to have.
However, the stories behind them are just as important.

Further information, detailed background and case studies relating to our 2022 & 2023 Sustainability Report and subsequent developments

Sustainability key performance indicators are important. Ideally delivered in a structured and clear format. Consolidated, they can quickly provide an initial overview of a company’s efforts and sustainable practices. But, ultimately, they are only the essence. They do not necessarily tell us about the underlying motives or the people behind them. Nor do they necessarily show the path the company has chosen as the ultimate goal has not been reached.

That is precisely why we have compiled a well-curated selection of further information for you to accompany our CSR report for 2022 and 2023. It covers a range of topics, from sustainable products and recycling to energy and employee development. If you want to know more and, more importantly have the time, then read on. We have also taken the opportunity to add the first highlights from 2024 to show how things will continue. Enjoy reading.

That’s what management says |  management statement

Christian Runkel, CEO of the POLIFILM Group, on the challenges faced by a plastic-producing company and the importance of sustainability

We need a more differentiated image of plastic as a material in the public eye.

Christian RunkelCEO POLIFILM

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Product Highlights

Our levers

The 4-concept applied to our portfolio, possible combinations and, above all, certification options for each category can be clearly seen here at a glance, ready to download.


  • Over 46 film recipes with a share of up to 100% bio-based raw materials
  • More than 39,000 tonnes of recycled materials processed
  • Share of PCR in our recycled materials processed increased to 69%
  • More than 126 film recipes for PE & PP films for mono-material packaging
  • First closed-loop concepts with customers successfully implemented

MDO Films

also suitable as PET replacement films

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PP films Specially designed for hot steam sterilization

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These solutions were convincing in a number of ways

Energy – managing an important resource

Now electricity is going green

Fostering young talent – individually and future-oriented

More about our POLIFILM Management Academy

We continue to grow

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Christian Runkel, CEO POLIFILM, on the establishment of the 4th subgroup, POLICYCLE

More than just recycling

With effect from January 2023, all of the group’s recycling activities are being merged into a separate subgroup, POLICYCLE. And we are going one step further. The newly founded POLICYCLE is designed to actively promote the circular economy. ‘POLICYCLE – circularity by POLIFILM’ is the guiding principle.

Discover more

We take responsibility

Ethik & nachhaltige Beschaffung

Ultimately, each individual is only as good as the collective – this applies to compliance with and adherence to ethical principles as well as to sustainable supplier and partner management. Only by actively pursuing our commitments along the entire supply chain can we ultimately make a lasting difference. The principles for ourselves, as well as our expectations of our partners, have been anchored in POLIFILM’s Code of Conduct and a reporting centre has been set up for internal and external parties to provide information about (possible) breaches so that they can be clarified.


We take responsibility and expect the same throughout the supply chain As an internationally operating company with decades of experience we, POLIFILM and its affiliated companies within the group, aspire to conduct our business in a socially, economically and environmentally balanced and sustainable manner. We commit to our social responsibility and open and fair global […]

to the code of conduct & reporting channel

CSR Report 2022 & 2023

And if it is the key figures and a quick overview that you need, then you are welcome to click below for our report.

To the Report

Do you have any questions?

Or suggestions? Contact us!

Denise Kirschbaum

Project Manager Corporate Development

Send message +49 221 801446 2027

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