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Garbage bag

The new generation garbage bags

  • Made from up to 95% PCR
    also using hard-to-recylce used films
  • Produced with innovative technology
    Fluff-to-Film process
  • Up to 40% energy savings
    during production



POLICYCLE proves this in multiple ways. The garbage bags produced by the fourth division the POLIFILM Group elevate this product category to a new level and represent much more than just clean disposal. This is made possible by the innovative fluff-to-film production process. It saves an entire process step, while even materials that were previously difficult to recycle, such as

adhesive-coated films, can be processed. In this way, POLICYCLE – taking into account the associated take-back concept – enables customers to obtain a new film product from their hard-to-recycle film waste. Of course, the Energy Efficiency Award-winning garbage bag is also available for all other interested parties.

The advantages at a glance

3 times more resilient

With the POLICYCLE garbage bag, you get the same performance whilst at the same time saving resources and
. The POLICYCLE solution is up to three times thinner than the conventional standard. This is achieved by the choice of recycled materials, such as used protection films, including coated solutions, and multi-layer technology, ensuring the strength is retained without any residual stickiness from the used films remaining in the end product.

Film from film

POLICYCLE not only processes traditional film waste in its garbage bags, which are made from up to 95% recycled PE, but also utilises film returned from customers of the POLIFILM Group. Both extrusion films and adhesive-coated protective films are collected on site from POLIFILM‘s end customers and processed directly into garbage bags using the fluff-to-film process. This not only enables highly complex films to be recycled, but also contributes to closing the loop in terms of the circular economy.

Energy efficient production

POLICYCLE uses state-of-the-art fluff-to-film technology in its production.
This new form of recycling removes the
need for the energy intensive regranulation and remelting process. With fluff-to–film, the used film is shredded, melted and processed into a garbage bag in a single production step. This eliminates an entire process step when compared to conventionally produced garbage bags with recycled content. The result – up to 40% less energy is used during production.

Would you like to learn more? We will be happy to help you!

POLIFILM subgroup wins Energy Efficiency Award from Deutsche Energie Agentur

The latest subgroup of the POLIFILM Group, POLICYCLE, has been awarded in the category “Think Big! Complex Energy Transition Projects” by the German Energy Agency (Deutsche Energy Agentur). The award ceremony took place during the Energy Transition Congress on Monday, November 13, in Berlin. The Fluff-to-Film project impressed the jury with its groundbreaking recycling technology, which saves an entire processing step compared to traditional mechanical recycling while simultaneously enhancing the quality of the end product.

More about the award winning solution


Energy efficient & suitable for challenging films Energy saving recycling sounds promising. Energy efficient recycling with simultaneous processing of previously difficult to reuse film types, sounds almost too good to be true, but only almost! As part of the development of POLICYCLE, we are investing in a technology that makes that entirely possible: energy efficiency […]

More about the technology

Your contact

Angelika Angermann

Send message +49 34978 27 1380

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